The longest day of the year is just up ahead and it is a great time for some quiet reflection. A Yin Yoga practice where there is time and space for self exploration gives me the opportunity to do just this. I have created a short sequence that you can do at home and a few tips to go along with the practice. I like to have my journal and have a few inquiry questions that I let roll around while I practice and write any insights that arise. As we are about midway through the year a few ideas for inquiry are: Did you make some plans at the beginning of the year? How have those ideas come to fruition? Where needs a little more focus and direction? What can be released to make room for what is to come? Tips for practice
If you would like to join me for a 2 hour Summer Solstice themed Yin Yoga practice on Wednesday June 19th at 6.30pm visit here to register.
AuthorSarah-Jane loves learning, listening, sharing and doing yoga! Archives
September 2020